How to Make Your Child a Lover of Music | Episode 185

To raise a lover of music is not a hard task. Children so naturally enjoy music. It is us adults who often muddy the waters with our own fears of how our voice sounds or lack of training. However, music is a key part of a great education.

For that reason, I hope your home is full of music! A home which is always singing is a happy home. And when music plays a major role in the atmosphere of your home, it will provide an opportunity for expression and unification within your family life.

If that seems like a tall order, this episode is for you.

In this episode, Carole helps you integrate music into your child’s life so that they naturally and easily grow familiar with classical music.

You’ll hear about:

  • Cultivating a familiarity with classical music
  • How to use a composer study for two or three months at a time
  • A chronological approach that allows your child to create a musical timeline
  • The best time to start formal music training with children
  • The goal of teaching music
  • Using music to teach children scripture
how to make your child a lover of music | homeschool made simple episode #185


Carole Joy Seid of Homeschool Made Simple | Website | 2024 Seminars Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

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