Carole’s Favorite Resources for Daily Bible Reading | Episode 195

When Carole was a brand new Christian, she learned about the importance of daily Bible reading. One of her pastors taught her, “Don’t let your feet touch the ground in the morning before you have met with God!”

Over the years she’s tried different approaches to her daily Bible reading, and in this episode she shares the tools that help her most. 

We hope to help you have your own practice of meeting with God each day!

You’ll hear about: 

  • what it looks like to have a quiet time every day
  • choosing the right Bible
  • the daily devotional guide Carole uses
  • reading the whole Bible over and over again
  • how to gain consistency in meeting with God
  • different translations to help in your Bible study
  • helpful resources for understanding the Bible
  • prioritizing meeting with God first thing in the morning
Resources for Daily Bible Reading | Homeschool Made Simple podcast


Find all the books and resources mentioned in this episode in this post.

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