History Can Be Fun! | Episode 201

Does history have to be stuffy and staunch or could it actually be enjoyable?! Believe it or not, history can be fun!

We are revisiting an episode from earlier in the podcast, because everyone needs to be freshly inspired to enjoy homeschooling! Laura Baker, a veteran homeschool mom, shares how the literature she read with her two kids sparked their creativity and brought history to life! Their family experienced that history can be fun!

In this episode, you’ll hear about: 

  • How Laura got started homeschooling her children
  • The importance of a spiritual foundation
  • A simple approach to unit studies
  • The heart of Carole’s method
  • American History with early elementary children
  • An overview of Carole’s pink sheets
  • The wonderful memories made while learning!
History can be fun when history comes to life! | Homeschool Made Simple podcast

Resources for History

Everything You Need to Know About History Timelines

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