Deschooling: Breaking Free of the School-at-Home Model | Episode 221

Are you considering bringing your child home from traditional school? Before you make plans for school-at-home, you need to spend some time deschooling first.

Deschooling simply means taking time to reset a child’s relationship with education.  

In this episode, Carole Joy Seid and Rachel Winchester discuss what deschooling is and encourage you to break free from the “school at home” model. 

Instead, give your kids the freedom to explore their interests under parental guidance. 

This freedom and flexibility might make you nervous at first (especially if you need to deschool yourself). However, once you take time to deprogram your child’s relationship with learning, you’ll be amazed by their drive to discover and understand the world.

Carole shares her expertise, encouraging parents to consider emotional and practical aspects, such as travel, life skills, and real-life experiences. 

Tune in to discover how deschooling can reignite your child’s love for learning and growth.

Listen in!

Books Connected with Deschooling:

  • Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto
  • The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education by Grace Llewellyn


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