Classic Films Every Teen Should Watch | Episode 30

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Did you know classic films are an essential part of any student’s high school and college education?

The movies of any period or of our society tell us a lot about the world, its beliefs, and can have the same power that books have to inspire and challenge us. In this episode I share some of my very favorite films, the ones you don’t want to let your teens leave home without watching.

I hope this episode inspires special times together, eating freshly popped popcorn, and watching these classic films!

Classic Films Mentioned in this Episode:

Films by Frank Capra

You Can’t Take It with You

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Mr. Deeds Goes to Town

A Pocketful of Miracles

Film by Alfred Hitchcock

The Lady Vanishes

Films by Eve Robert

My Father’s Glory

My Mother’s Castle

Films by William Wyler

Roman Holiday

Mrs. Miniver

Goodbye, Mr. Chips

Kings of the Kingdom

Farenheit 451

Films by George Cukor

David Copperfield

Cry, the Beloved Country (1995)

The Chosen (1981)

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)


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