Simple Tools for Meeting with God | Episode 55

Meeting with God each day is the most important thing a parent can do.

When Carole was a brand new Christian, one of her pastors taught her, “Don’t let your feet touch the ground in the morning before you have met with God!”

Over the years she’s tried different ways of having a quiet time, and in this episode she shares the tools that help her most. 

We hope to help you have your own practice of meeting with God each day!

You’ll hear about: 

  • what it looks like to have a quiet time every day
  • choosing the right Bible
  • the daily devotional guide Carole uses
  • reading the whole Bible over and over again
  • how to gain consistency in meeting with God
  • different translations to help in your Bible study
  • helpful resources for understanding the Bible
  • prioritizing meeting with God first thing in the morning
simple tools for meeting with God each day | homeschool made simple podcast

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Resources for Meeting with God:

– Bible (ESV, NASB)

– The Everyday Bible (New Century Version)

– Prisma color pencils

St. James Devotional Guide

The New Testament in Modern English by J.B. Phillips

Your God is Too Small by J.B. Phillips

– Halleys Bible Handbook

What the Bible is All About by Henrietta Mears (Listen to the full episode about Henrietta Mears here.)

– Strong’s Concordance of the Bible

– Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words

How to Pray by R.A. Torrey

How to Study the Bible by R.A. Torrey

– Warren Wiersbe’s commentary, The Bible Exposition Commentary

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